Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Castle Doctrine's 'No Sale' Declaration.

On Steam, The Castle Doctrine’s normal price is 15.99. At launch, it was sold for 12.99 at a special launch discount. The developer has made a firm declaration that after the launch discount, this game will never go on sale.

“This plan (where the price rises slowly over time instead of starting high and getting deeply discounted later) was widely discussed. For people who might want to buy the game, there are no surprises on the horizon.” –Jason Rohrer

Jason goes on to talk about how putting games on sale screws the fans. The problem is that we have a 10mb game that costs 16 bucks. If, as a dev, your game is never going to go on sale, you need to come down in your normal price in order to compensate.

Sales don’t screw fans. They screw devs out of launch sales. My problem with this move is that Mr. Rohrer has done something for himself and tried to tell us it’s for our own good.

What a bunch of crap. Screw you Jason. I’m sorry I bought your game.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. This is your typical politician speak where the person uses a different phrase to give their real message. Sales help fans the most since it enables them to buy the game and play it if the game designer truly wanted the person to play it and give almost the equivalence of a tip for the maker's efforts. That and saying words like 'support' instead of 'giving me money' so people don't feel as burned they spent money to fund the maker's pockets. Don't get me wrong, people who work should be compensated, but not in the sense of entitlement like this Jason guy reminds me of.
